– To be a generative force in eradicating suffering, nurturing long-lasting development and bringing hope to those we serve, regardless of their age, gender, religion, ethnicity.
– To promote and foster forgiveness and building and encouraging the spirit of letting go to their past experiences.
– To receive and readmit returnees back to Kenya and giving them a fresh start.
– To educate on topics like emotional Intelligence, intra- and interpersonal intelligence, including communication, social behaviour and empathy, and stress management.
– To create a greater equality in reintegration outcomes and greater equality in access to basic social services among returnees of different genders and ages.
– To assist in identifying housing by listing places to live.
– To provide rent support and or temporary housing.
– To ensure privacy, data protection and Confidentiality.
– To respect the right of institutions and beneficiaries.
– Conduct Reintegration Programme Monitoring Survey.
– Conduct Reintegration Programme Satisfaction Survey.
– Conduct the Reintegration Sustainability Survey.
– Conduct Community Based Reintegration (CBR) Programme Survey for Returnees.
– Conduct Community Based Reintegration (CBR) Programme Survey for Non-Migrant Community Members.
– Conduct Community Based Reintegration (CBR) Programme Key Stakeholder Survey.
– Conduct Capacity Building (CB) Survey Key Stakeholder Organizational Level.
– Conduct Capacity Building (CB) Post-Activity Survey Key Stakeholder Individual Level.
– To educate, encourage and support business seminars by working with statutory and non-statutory agencies.
– Work with the Government institutions.
– Incorporate with the Return and Reintegration programmes offered by the International Organization for Migrations (IOM).
– Promote talent enhancement support Program and international dialogue.
– Offer advice and therapy to those who feel they have unfinished issues and those who have anger issues to avoid radicalisation, extremism and xenophobia especially through recruitment by Alshabaab terror group here in East Africa.
– Implement capacity-building for Forget Foundation initiatives.